
Christian convert mourns death of mother who pleaded for his release

Christian convert mourns death of mother who pleaded for his release

A Christian convert recently released after nearly five years’ imprisonment for “acting against national security” is now mourning the death of his mother.

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh, 61, was “pardoned” in October, having been in Tehran’s Evin Prison since January 2018.

His mother, Sahab, who was 85 years old, recorded an emotional video for her son’s 60th birthday last year, in which she pleaded for Nasser’s release, saying he had “done nothing wrong; he only became a Christian”.

“I am so lonely,” Sahab said, having not seen her son, who had lived with her and looked after her, since he was imprisoned.

Nasser was finally released 14 months later, having previously been repeatedly denied requests for parole or a retrial.

And speaking to Article18, Nasser thanked God for a precious “month and five days” with his mother.

“While I was in prison, my mother was always waiting for me and my constant prayer was that God would keep her healthy so that I could see her once again,” he said.

“God heard this prayer and protected her life so that I could see her again for one month and five days, until she left this world peacefully.”

Sahab passed away on 29 November and was buried in Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery in Tehran on 1 December.

“All mothers are dear to us,” Nasser said. “Just as our Lord Jesus Christ entrusted his mother to his disciple, John, when he was crucified, I also entrusted my mother to God [while I was in prison], and today I am grateful to all my brothers and sisters in Christ who prayed for peace for my mother in those days. 

“The love of our Lord is so great that I can sense His presence in my loneliness these days, just as he was my present in my suffering in prison.”

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