
Christian convert released on bail of nearly $40,000

Christian convert released on bail of nearly $40,000

Photo: Mohabat News

A Christian convert detained for three weeks, following his arrest by Ministry of Intelligence agents, has been released on bail equivalent to nearly $40,000, according to an Iranian Christian news agency.

Iman Golzar was released on 7 February on bail of 2 billions tomans (around $38,000), reports Mohabat News.

He had been arrested at midnight on 16 January at his home in Dezful, western Iran, then held incommunicado in an unknown location.

His parents, who are deaf, were said to be “very worried” about him and tried to find out where he was, but were threatened by the local authorities that they would be “dealt with” if they kept asking questions.

The agents showed no warrant while arresting Iman, and confiscated his computer and CCTV cameras.

Iman’s interrogators reportedly put him under “severe mental and emotional pressure” during his detention. 

It is not yet known whether he has been officially charged.

Meanwhile, another Christian convert arrested in Dezful on Christmas Eve is still believed to be in custody.

Esmaeil Narimanpour, who was previously forced to undergo religious re-education sessions, was one of at least 46 Christians arrested in Iran in December alone, in a new wave of arrests over the Christmas period, including in the nearby cities of Ahvaz and Izeh.

For more information about the situation of Christians in Iran, see our latest annual report.

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