
Christian convert reportedly threatened with second conviction for publicising case

Christian convert reportedly threatened with second conviction for publicising case

Photo: Facebook

A Christian convert serving a two-year prison sentence for “acting against national security by connecting with ‘Zionist’ Christian organisations” has reportedly been threatened with another conviction as a result of the publicity her case has received.

According to Persian-language website Human Rights in Iran, Laleh Saati, who has been in Tehran’s Evin Prison since February, was recently taken back from the women’s ward to the infamous Ward 209, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Intelligence, for a 24-hour interrogation.

Laleh’s elderly mother has also reportedly been threatened that a case may be opened against her for the same reason.

Human Rights in Iran adds that Laleh has still not been permitted to receive the psychological assessment requested by her mother because of the pressures placed upon her during her detention.


Laleh is a former asylum-seeker, who returned to in 2017 from Malaysia, having reportedly grown frustrated at the time it had taken to process her claim, and also to be reunited with her parents.

She was reportedly summoned and interrogated by intelligence agents on numerous occasions after her return, before finally being arrested in February 2024 at her father’s home in Ekbatan Town, a suburb of Tehran. 

Laleh was then reportedly taken to Ward 209 and interrogated multiple times over a three-week period – during which time photographs and videos of her Christian activities and baptism in Malaysia were brought before her as evidence of her “crime” – before being transferred to the women’s ward.

On 16 March, Laleh was brought before Judge Afshari at the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court, and reportedly asked why she had returned to Iran and thereby risked a court case being opened against her.

A week later, she was informed of her sentence, which also includes a two-year travel ban.

“Laleh’s case clearly shows that the Christian activities of asylum-seekers in foreign countries can be used against them in court proceedings back in Iran,” commented Article18’s Mansour Borji at the time.

“I hope immigration authorities around the world will take note of this, and think twice before rejecting out of hand the asylum claims of genuine Christians who may face persecution upon return to their country of origin.”

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