
Iran remains among world’s most ‘extreme’ persecutors of Christians – report

Iran remains among world’s most ‘extreme’ persecutors of Christians – report

Iran remains among the world’s most “extreme” persecutors of Christians, according to the annual report of Article18’s partner organisation Open Doors.

Iran’s “score” of 86/100 places it 9th on the 2025 World Watch List of the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted.

It is one of only 13 countries where the persecution of Christians is considered “extreme”.

Both Iran’s score and ranking are identical to last year’s list.

The other countries where persecution is considered “extreme” are North Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Saudi Arabia and Myanmar.

You can read the full list and further explanation about the methodology behind it on Open Doors’ website.

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