‘Total religious freedom’ or is Iran one of world’s worst persecutors of Christians?

‘Total religious freedom’ or is Iran one of world’s worst persecutors of Christians?

Article18’s advocacy director, Mansour Borji, has addressed the often cited discrepancy between the Iranian government’s claims that there is “total […]

Turkey’s health insurance denial ‘increases asylum seekers’ desperation’

Turkey’s health insurance denial ‘increases asylum seekers’ desperation’

The Turkish government’s decision to stop providing free health insurance to asylum seekers has added to the “desperation” many feel, according to the regional manager of Article18’s partner charity Middle East Concern.

Iran’s ID-card policy turns unrecognised religious minorities into ghosts

Iran’s ID-card policy turns unrecognised religious minorities into ghosts

The Islamic Republic’s decision to remove the “other religions” option from the national ID-card application form looks set to deny millions of Iranians their citizenship.

The Revolutionary Guards, Iran’s chief instrument of repression

The Revolutionary Guards, Iran’s chief instrument of repression

In the wake of the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, Article18 explains how his Revolutionary Guard Corps became one of […]

40 years since constitution enshrined discrimination along religious lines

40 years since constitution enshrined discrimination along religious lines

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was ratified 40 years ago this week, enshrining discrimination along religious lines.

Death and life under religious apartheid

Death and life under religious apartheid

The killing of an Assyrian Christian citizen by the Islamic Republic’s security forces in Fardis, Karaj, came as another bitter and shocking piece of news in a series of horrifying reports of hundreds of Iranians being killed and wounded as protests spread across the country.

Persecution of Christians in Iran – Dr Sara Afshari

Persecution of Christians in Iran – Dr Sara Afshari

Dr Sara Afshari provided this testimony at Westminster Abbey on Monday 8 April to members of an independent review team […]

Oral evidence on Iran: Article18’s Mansour Borji

Oral evidence on Iran: Article18’s Mansour Borji

Article18’s Advocacy Director, Mansour Borji, gave the following testimony at Westminster Abbey on Monday 8 April to members of an […]

40 years of religious apartheid: Christianity in post-revolution Iran

40 years of religious apartheid: Christianity in post-revolution Iran

Though he spoke about freedom, Ayatollah Khomeini’s ultimate agenda was the establishment of an Islamic state based on a rigid, centuries-old interpretation that offered little room for any other expressions of faith.

The birth of a minority: Iranian Christians

The birth of a minority: Iranian Christians

Despite four decades of state-run repression, Iran’s Christian community of just a few thousand Muslim converts in 1979 has grown to several hundred thousand, or even one million according to some sources.