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Release Iranian Christian with Parkinson’s and his wife!

Release Iranian Christian with Parkinson’s and his wife!

Article18 is calling on the Iranian government to immediately release a Christian convert with advanced Parkinson’s disease and his wife.

Homayoun Zhaveh, who is 64 years old, is serving a two-year prison sentence because he belongs to a house-church.

His wife, Sara Ahmadi, 44, meanwhile, is serving an eight-year sentence for an alleged leadership position within the church.

The couple, who live in Tehran, were arrested in the summer of 2019 as they holidayed by the Caspian Sea in northern Iran.

They were sentenced to prison in November 2020, and also given six months’ community service and a two-year ban from foreign travel or membership of any social or political group.

Their appeals were rejected in December 2020. 

On 19 March 2021, Homayoun and Sara were summoned to Evin Prison to begin their sentences.

They were summoned again in June 2021, but then told they could return home.

But in August 2022, both were summoned once again and this time they were detained. As a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Iran has a binding obligations to respect and protect the right to religious freedom.

Please join with us in calling for an end to this gross miscarriage of justice by signing our petition.

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