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Give Persian-speaking Christians a #place2worship!

Give Persian-speaking Christians a #place2worship!

The Central Assemblies of God Church in Tehran, which was forcibly closed in May 2013.

In Iran, Persian-speaking Christians have no #place2worship collectively.

Churches that once held services in Persian (the national language) have been forcibly closed down or prohibited from holding services in Persian – to dissuade converts from attending.

So while Christians from Armenian and Assyrian backgrounds can still worship together in churches – providing they use their ethnic languages – converts, as well as Armenian and Assyrian Christians who do not speak their ethnic languages, have nowhere to go.

As a result, they meet together in their homes, in what have become known as “house-churches“, but the Iranian regime has labelled these peaceful gatherings “enemy groups” and sentenced members to up to 10 years in prison.

But what other choice do they have? Where else can they worship?

Article18 is calling on the Iranian regime to provide Persian-speaking Christians with a #place2worship.

Please join us by signing our petition, and sharing it on your social media using the hashtag #place2worship

We would also love as many people as possible to post photos of themselves holding a sign with the #place2worship hashtag. 

Finally, please also consider contacting your local government representative, calling on them to hold the Iranian government accountable in whatever way they can.

You can keep up with all the latest developments in our #place2worship campaign here

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