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Christians among minority groups targeted with spyware

Christians among minority groups targeted with spyware

Intelligence officers belonging to the Law Enforcement Command of the Islamic Republic of Iran, or FARAJA, are using spyware to monitor members of minority groups, including Christians, according to new research.

USCIRF report focuses on ‘sharply deteriorated religious freedom’ in Iran

USCIRF report focuses on ‘sharply deteriorated religious freedom’ in Iran

The “sharply deteriorated religious-freedom conditions” in Iran are the focus of the cover and introduction to the latest annual report […]

US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2023 annual report

US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2023 annual report

The “sharply deteriorated religious-freedom conditions” in Iran are the focus of the cover and introduction to the latest annual report […]

Christian convert whose son has leukaemia released from prison

Christian convert whose son has leukaemia released from prison

A 50-year-old Christian convert whose son has been battling leukaemia for five years was released from prison on Monday, two […]

12. Journey’s End

12. Journey’s End

In his final Note From Prison, Mojtaba talks us through his transfer to the public prison, what life was like there, and his journey since.

11. Unexpected Friendship

11. Unexpected Friendship

In his penultimate Note From Prison, Mojtaba recalls the moment he was unexpectedly joined in his solitary cell by another prisoner of conscience.

Christian woman among Evin prisoners of conscience to call for climate action

Christian woman among Evin prisoners of conscience to call for climate action

Christian prisoner of conscience Sara Ahmadi has joined 19 other women political prisoners in Tehran’s Evin Prison in co-signing an […]

Supreme Court orders retrial of Christian couple serving combined 10-year sentence

Supreme Court orders retrial of Christian couple serving combined 10-year sentence

An Iranian Christian couple serving a combined 10 years in prison for belonging to a house-church have had their third […]

10. The Fateful Day Arrives

10. The Fateful Day Arrives

After living for three years in constant anticipation of re-arrest, Mojtaba recalls the moment his worst fears finally came to pass.

9. Living in Expectation of Arrest

9. Living in Expectation of Arrest

Mojtaba explains what it is like to live in the constant expectation of re-arrest.