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Convert’s continued imprisonment a ‘deterrent’ to other Christians, says lawyer

Convert’s continued imprisonment a ‘deterrent’ to other Christians, says lawyer

An Iranian Christian prisoner of conscience recently adopted by the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief has […]

‘Becoming a refugee in Turkey is the worst decision you can ever take’

‘Becoming a refugee in Turkey is the worst decision you can ever take’

“Sometimes I feel like I’ve waste my whole life.” These are the words of Iman Ghaznavian Haghighi, an Iranian Christian […]

Leave used as leverage against Christian prisoners

Leave used as leverage against Christian prisoners

Iranian security agencies use medical care, leave and other legally guaranteed benefits as leverage to force Christian prisoners of conscience to comply with their illegal demands.

Youhan Omidi returns home from four years’ prison and exile

Youhan Omidi returns home from four years’ prison and exile

After two years in prison and nearly two more in internal exile over 1,000km from his home and family – […]

Anooshavan Avedian awaits imprisonment as converts summoned to Tehran prosecutor  

Anooshavan Avedian awaits imprisonment as converts summoned to Tehran prosecutor  

A 60-year-old Iranian-Armenian Christian is awaiting a summons to begin his 10-year prison sentence for “engaging in propaganda contrary to and disturbing to Islam”.

Confiscated Church-owned retreat centre set to be repurposed

Confiscated Church-owned retreat centre set to be repurposed

A Protestant Church-owned retreat centre appropriated four years ago by an institution headed by Iran’s Supreme Leader is now in the process of being repurposed, Article18 understands.

Converts’ five-year prison sentences for ‘deviant beliefs’ upheld

Converts’ five-year prison sentences for ‘deviant beliefs’ upheld

Three house-church members who have been held for over a month in solitary confinement have now been informed that their appeals against five-year prison sentences have been rejected.

Anooshavan Avedian 

Anooshavan Avedian 

Iranian-Armenian Christian Anooshavan Avedian faces 10 years in prison under the amended Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code for what a notorious judge called “propaganda contrary to and disturbing to the holy religion of Islam”.

Malihe Nazari, Joseph Shahbazian and Mina Khajavi 

Malihe Nazari, Joseph Shahbazian and Mina Khajavi 

Iranian-Armenian Christian Joseph Shahbazian and Christian converts Mina Khajavi and Malihe Nazari were sentenced to a combined total of 22 years in prison solely for practising their Christian faith.

Iran again claims ‘no-one prosecuted for merely holding an opinion’

Iran again claims ‘no-one prosecuted for merely holding an opinion’

Iran has once again denied imprisoning anyone because of their beliefs, in a strongly-worded response to the UN Secretary-General’s latest annual report on the the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic.