
Christian convert arrested, detained in Karaj on unknown charges

Christian convert arrested, detained in Karaj on unknown charges

A Christian convert from Karaj, near Tehran, has been arrested and remains in detention on unknown charges. 

Mohammad Golbaz, who is 34 years old, was arrested at his motorcycle repair shop on Saturday, 30 July, by more than a dozen plainclothes intelligence agents.

He was then transferred to an unknown location and held incommunicado until finally being able to make a short telephone call to his parents on Wednesday, 3 August.

The arresting agents had initially searched Mohammad’s parents’ home, insisting that their son was there, and confiscating a framed picture of Jesus, which was in their possession even though they are not Christians themselves.

When the agents had satisfied themselves that Mohammad was not there, they went to his shop, arrested him, and took him to his home to search it, before transporting him to an unknown location.

Nothing more is known at this stage about any charges brought against Mohammad, nor the reason he is still being detained.

Loved ones who went to enquire about him at the local prosecutor’s office were told only that he is an “apostate” and will be held “for a while”.

Mohammad is single, and lives alone.

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