
‘We refugees already have enough difficulties. The earthquake has added to that’

‘We refugees already have enough difficulties. The earthquake has added to that’

The 19th-century cathedral in Iskenderun is among the buildings to have collapsed.


Iranian Christian refugees have been among those affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Iranian Christians reported to Article18 that their church buildings have been destroyed and that they have been forced to stay outside in the cold and snow for long periods. 

“After the earthquake, we ran outside,” a single mother named Manijeh Adibanfar told Article18. “Around 7am we went back home. At 10am we experienced another aftershock, so we ran outside again and went to a park.”

Manijeh explained, at 8pm local time, how she and her son, who has cancer, have been outside in the snow ever since. 

She added: “Please ask people who have a comfortable life to remember us and not forget us. We as refugees don’t have anyone except God and those who pray for us. We already had enough difficulties, and this earthquake has added to that.”

Please see our most recent articles for more information on the challenges facing Iranian Christian refugees in Turkey, and the ways in which you can help.

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