
Ahvaz Christians released from prison

Ahvaz Christians released from prison

Farhad Sabokrooh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahvaz, and church member Nasser Zamen-Dezfuli have been released from Ahvaz’s Sepidar Prison after 214 days.

Two years ago, security forces had arrested all those present at a church Christmas celebration. Most of those detained were released after interrogation and threats to no longer participate in church ceremonies. But the pastor and his wife, Shahnaz Jayzan, along with two church members, Nasser Zamen-Dezfuli and Davoud Alijani, were detained and charged with “tendency to Christianity, inviting Muslims to convert”, as well as “propaganda activities against the system by promoting evangelical Christianity”.

Each of the four Christians were sentenced to one year in prison by an Ahvaz Revolutionary Court and taken to serve their sentences in Sepidar Prison in May.

Now after serving more than half their sentences, including time in detention before sentencing, Farhad and Nasser have been released, with the expectation that Shahnaz and Davoud will also be released in the coming days.

The Ahvaz Assemblies of God Church has been closed since the day of the arrests.

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