
AOG closure could ‘set precedent’ for all Persian-language churches

AOG closure could ‘set precedent’ for all Persian-language churches

George Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in the US

The Superintendent of the Assemblies of God denomination in the US has called on Christians to “earnestly pray” for the recently arrested pastor of the Central Assemblies of God Church in Tehran and for the Iranian authorities to “uphold the rights of people to worship freely according to their conscience”.

George Wood said “every indication points to the possibility that Iranian authorities are pursuing the closure of Central Assembly in violation of Iranian law and human rights”.

“Pastor Asserian’s arrest is one of several that have taken place in the days leading up to Iran’s presidential elections, scheduled for less than a month from now,” he said.

“These incidents appear to be an attempt to stop worship services from being conducted in Farsi, the language of the majority of Iranians. Services are allowed in Armenian, a minority language that most Iranians do not speak or even understand.

“Believers in Iran fear that the closure of Central Assembly in Tehran will set a precedent for closing all Farsi-language churches in Iran. Such a move would essentially remove all open witness of the gospel of Christ in the country.”

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