
Three converts given six-month sentences for ‘promoting Zionist Christianity’

Three converts given six-month sentences for ‘promoting Zionist Christianity’

Asghar Salehi (left) and Mohammed Reza Rezaei.

Three converts to Christianity have been sentenced to six months in prison for “propaganda against the system through promoting Zionist Christianity”, reports Middle East Concern.

Asghar Salehi, 43, Mohammad Reza Rezaei, 35, and another convert who has not been named were informed of the sentences on Sunday, 22 September, following a hearing at Branch 101 of the criminal court in Eqlid, Fars Province, on 16 September.

Asghar and Mohammed Reza filed their appeals yesterday. 

They were arrested, alongside four others, during raids on their homes in September last year.

Asghar was reportedly interrogated for three days, during which he was kept blindfolded for most of the time, then taken to Eqlid Prison for a further eight days. He was then released on bail after providing his business license as a guarantee.

Asghar, Mohammed Reza and the third convert were then brought before Branch 101 of Eqlid Criminal Court in April 2019 and charged under Article 500 of the penal code, which provides for up to a year’s imprisonment for anyone found guilty of “propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran or support of opposition groups and associations”.

Middle East Concern reports that Asghar was refused permission to speak, warned that he was being monitored and told not to engage in any further Christian activities.

Asghar is reportedly suffering from “potentially serious” health issues.

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