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Monthly visits cancelled for pastor imprisoned 1,000 miles from family

Monthly visits cancelled for pastor imprisoned 1,000 miles from family

A pastor serving a six-year sentence in a prison 1,000 miles from his wife and daughter has been told he […]

Imprisoned Christian convert needs psychological care, mother says

Imprisoned Christian convert needs psychological care, mother says

A Christian convert and former asylum-seeker serving a two-year sentence in Evin Prison for “connecting with ‘Zionist’ Christian organisations” is […]

From the archive: Churches rebuff police, defy government ultimatums

From the archive: Churches rebuff police, defy government ultimatums

This article was first published in 1993 by News Network International and is republished here with kind permission. Several Iranian […]

Why do most Iranian Christians worship in house-churches?

Why do most Iranian Christians worship in house-churches?

“Christians have 380 churches,” Iranian-Armenian MP Ara Shaverdian told the UN Human Rights Committee in October 2023. What the MP […]

Christian convert released on $10,000 bail after four months’ detention

Christian convert released on $10,000 bail after four months’ detention

A Christian convert arrested on Christmas Eve has been released on bail equivalent to more than $10,000 after over four […]

Iran has third most religious prisoners of conscience, report finds

Iran has third most religious prisoners of conscience, report finds

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has once again recommended that Iran be re-designated a “Country of Particular Concern” […]

US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2024 Annual Report

US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2024 Annual Report

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has once again recommended that Iran be re-designated a “Country of Particular Concern” […]

Former prisoner charged again with ‘propaganda against the state’ 

Former prisoner charged again with ‘propaganda against the state’ 

A house-church member who served four months in prison in 2019 for “propaganda against the state” has been charged again […]

Christian prisoner of conscience denied medical care

Christian prisoner of conscience denied medical care

Sixty-year-old Christian prisoner of conscience Mina Khajavi is reported to be struggling with pain and unable to access the medical […]

Prisoners of conscience sponsored by German politicians

Prisoners of conscience sponsored by German politicians

Three prisoners of conscience convicted on charges related to Christianity have been sponsored by German politicians. Mina Khajavi, Mehdi (Yasser) […]