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Christian prisoner of conscience awaiting results of MRI scan

Christian prisoner of conscience awaiting results of MRI scan

There are renewed concerns over the health of a 60-year-old Christian convert, who has spent the past four and a […]

Seven Iranian Christians sentenced to total of 32 years in prison

Seven Iranian Christians sentenced to total of 32 years in prison

An Iranian-Armenian Christian pastor has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and two women converts to Christianity to six years for their leadership roles within house-churches.

‘If we could go back in time, we’d walk the same path’

‘If we could go back in time, we’d walk the same path’

When the Shekoohi family converted to Christianity, it was a decision for which every member would pay a heavy price. […]

House-church leader loses appeal as seven other Christians await verdict 

House-church leader loses appeal as seven other Christians await verdict 

An appeal court has upheld a 10-year prison sentence for a house-church leader issued by a notorious judge.  Anooshavan Avedian, an […]

Esmail, Fariba & Helma

Esmail, Fariba & Helma

Every member of the Shekoohi family paid a heavy price for converting to Christianity. For the father, it meant more than 3 years in prison, and 9 months in prison for the mother. For their daughter, Helma, who was just 12 years old, the impact was severe as both her parents were in prison.

House-church members still detained, families told upcoming appeal doomed

House-church members still detained, families told upcoming appeal doomed

Three house-church members already facing five-year prison sentences remain in detention more than a week after they were re-arrested. Ayoob […]

‘Europe should seek new relationship with Iran grounded in human rights’

‘Europe should seek new relationship with Iran grounded in human rights’

‘Challenging Minority Discrimination in Iran’ was the title of a conference held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday.  […]

‘If I no longer encourage people to use drugs, is this against Islam and Iran?’

‘If I no longer encourage people to use drugs, is this against Islam and Iran?’

Nima Rezaei, born in the year of the Iranian Revolution, was just one month old when his father died. The […]

Nima Rezaei

Nima Rezaei

My name is Nima Rezaei and I was born in 1979 in Sari. I became a Christian in 2006, and from that day on I started attending a house-church.

Converts already facing charges re-arrested in Rasht

Converts already facing charges re-arrested in Rasht

Four “Church of Iran” members already facing criminal charges relating to the practice of their faith, while a fifth was ordered to hand himself in today.