An Iranian Christian convert has begun serving his nine-month prison sentence for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic by promoting evangelical […]
An Iranian Christian convert who was facing the threat of imminent deportation from Turkey has been granted protected status as […]
An Iranian Christian convert with advanced Parkinson’s disease and his wife have been told they must submit themselves to Tehran’s […]
Three Christian converts in Fardis, near Tehran, have become the first known examples of Christians being charged under the contentious recent amendments to the Iranian penal code.
Christian convert Bita Rezaee was forced out of Iran after intelligence agents alleged that she had purchased her girls refuge with the help of “foreign Christians”, with the “aim of leading the girls away from Islam”.
An Iranian Christian convert faces imminent deportation from Turkey, which would separate him from his wife and paraplegic son and risk his re-arrest and imprisonment.
An Iranian Christian convert is awaiting a summons to begin a nine-month prison sentence for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic […]
Four Christian converts have been released without charge but only after they were ordered to sign commitments to have no further involvement in any Christian activities.
An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic”. Hamed Ashoori, […]
As the next election approaches, Article18’s Kiaa Aalipour analyses the situation of religious minorities, especially Christians, during Hassan Rouhani’s two terms in office.