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‘Faceless victims’ the focus of 2024 annual report

‘Faceless victims’ the focus of 2024 annual report

Article18’s newly released annual report focuses on the many victims whose names and faces remain unknown, due to fear that […]

‘Faceless Victims: Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran’

‘Faceless Victims: Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran’

Article18’s newly released annual report focuses on the many victims whose names and faces remain unknown, due to fear that […]

Christian convert facing imprisonment in Iran threatened with deportation from Turkey

Christian convert facing imprisonment in Iran threatened with deportation from Turkey

A Christian convert who fled Iran in 2013 to escape his impending imprisonment on account of his faith now faces […]

‘Persecution of church members started first week of Revolution’

‘Persecution of church members started first week of Revolution’

As the 45th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution approaches, Article18 uses extracts from the book of the former bishop of […]

Brothers face ‘propaganda’ charges under amended Article 500

Brothers face ‘propaganda’ charges under amended Article 500

Two brothers arrested before Christmas and detained for a month have been charged with “deviant educational or propaganda activities contrary […]

Arrested Christian convert held incommunicado in unknown location, parents ‘very worried’

Arrested Christian convert held incommunicado in unknown location, parents ‘very worried’

A Christian convert arrested last week remains in detention in an unknown location, according to a report by an Iranian […]

Iran once again ranked among top 10 persecutors of Christians

Iran once again ranked among top 10 persecutors of Christians

Iran has once again been named among the top 10 worst persecutors of Christians. Iran ranks in 9th place on […]

Lawyer who defended Christians summoned to prosecutor’s office

Lawyer who defended Christians summoned to prosecutor’s office

A lawyer who has represented several Iranian Christians in court has been summoned to the prosecutor’s office in the city […]

Iranian Christian refugees in Turkey no longer eligible for US resettlement scheme

Iranian Christian refugees in Turkey no longer eligible for US resettlement scheme

Iranian Christians in Turkey are no longer eligible for resettlement to the US as part of the refugee sponsorship programme […]

Christian convert, 60, summoned to begin prison sentence for house-church leadership

Christian convert, 60, summoned to begin prison sentence for house-church leadership

A 60-year-old Iranian Christian convert has been summoned to begin her six-year prison sentence for “acting against national security by […]