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Sisters released on bail after paying 1 billion tomans

Sisters released on bail after paying 1 billion tomans

Two sisters who were arrested in Ahvaz earlier this month and charged with “action against Iran’s national security through evangelism” […]

Two sisters among four converts arrested in Ahvaz

Two sisters among four converts arrested in Ahvaz

Four Christian converts, including two sisters, have been arrested and detained in the western city of Ahvaz. Shima Zanganeh, 27, […]

64-year-old convert released on bail after two weeks in solitary confinement

64-year-old convert released on bail after two weeks in solitary confinement

Sixty-four-year-old Jamshid Derakhshan has been released on bail after two weeks in solitary confinement in Karaj’s Rajaei-Shahr Prison. Jamshid was […]

64-year-old convert who disappeared two weeks ago is in prison

64-year-old convert who disappeared two weeks ago is in prison

A 64-year-old convert to Christianity who failed to come home from a visit to a “house church” in Hashtgerd on […]

114 Christians arrested in one week

114 Christians arrested in one week

At least 114 Christians have been arrested in the past week following a series of raids in nine different cities […]

Iranian pastor and wife fled after threat of execution for apostasy

Iranian pastor and wife fled after threat of execution for apostasy

An Iranian pastor who fled the country with his wife four years ago after they were both threatened with execution […]

‘Converts’ isolation leads to reliance on satellite TV to stay connected’

‘Converts’ isolation leads to reliance on satellite TV to stay connected’

Article18’s advocacy director, Mansour Borji, was one of the speakers at a panel discussion on religious freedom in London this […]

‘Converts at constant risk of arrest’

‘Converts at constant risk of arrest’

Iranian converts to Christianity are at “constant risk” of arrest, Article18’s Advocacy Director, Mansour Borji, told a conference in Norway […]

Amnesty International calls for repeal of Christians’ prison sentences

Amnesty International calls for repeal of Christians’ prison sentences

Following the publication of numerous reports by Article18 on the violation of the rights of a group of Iranian Christians, […]

12 Christians sentenced to year’s imprisonment in Bushehr

12 Christians sentenced to year’s imprisonment in Bushehr

The Islamic Revolutionary Court of Bushehr has sentenced 12 Christians to one year’s imprisonment each for “propaganda against the Islamic […]