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Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh: ‘I am in prison because of my faith in Jesus Christ’

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh: ‘I am in prison because of my faith in Jesus Christ’

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh, a Christian convert serving a 10-year sentence in Tehran’s Evin prison for “acting against national security through […]

Rasht converts violently arrested

Rasht converts violently arrested

On Sunday morning, 22 July, plainclothes officers attacked the Rasht home of “Church of Iran” pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, and, after […]

Zoroastrian allowed back on to Yazd City Council

Zoroastrian allowed back on to Yazd City Council

A Zoroastrian will be allowed to continue as member of Yazd City Council after Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council voted today that […]

Pastor’s son sentenced to 4 months in prison

Pastor’s son sentenced to 4 months in prison

Ramiel Bet-Tamraz, son of pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz and Shamiram Issavi, has been sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for engaging in […]

Daughter of convicted pastor speaks out at UN

Daughter of convicted pastor speaks out at UN

Today the daughter of an Iranian pastor sentenced to ten years in prison has spoken out at the United Nations […]

Aziz Majidzadeh released on bail from Evin Prison

Aziz Majidzadeh released on bail from Evin Prison

Christian convert Aziz Majidzadeh was today released on bail from Evin Prison, pending the formation of formal charges against him. […]

‘Baseless’ accusations against entire Assyrian Christian family at appeal hearing

‘Baseless’ accusations against entire Assyrian Christian family at appeal hearing

Shamiram Issavi’s first appeal hearing against her five-year jail sentence took place today in Tehran. During the hearing, the prosecutor’s […]

USCIRF: Religious freedom conditions ‘deteriorate’ in Iran

USCIRF: Religious freedom conditions ‘deteriorate’ in Iran

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has cited Iran among the main contributing countries towards an “ongoing downward trend” […]

First appeal hearing for pastor and three converts

First appeal hearing for pastor and three converts

Reverend Victor Bet-Tamraz and converts Hadi Asgari, Kavian Fallah-Mohammadi and Amin Afshar-Naderi, sentenced to a combined 45 years in prison, […]

2018 US Commission on International Religious Freedom Report

2018 US Commission on International Religious Freedom Report

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has cited Iran among the main contributing countries towards an “ongoing downward trend” […]