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Arrest and continued detention of Christian convert Aziz Majidzadeh

Arrest and continued detention of Christian convert Aziz Majidzadeh

According to Article18’s sources, Christian convert Aziz Majidzadeh is still being detained, 40 days after his arrest near the city […]

Hadi Asgari released on bail after 19 months’ detention

Hadi Asgari released on bail after 19 months’ detention

Christian convert Hadi Asgari was released from Tehran’s Evin Prison on bail today, 19 months after his arrest. His bail […]

Revolutionary Court denies Christian bail

Revolutionary Court denies Christian bail

Nineteen months since the arrest of Hadi Asgari, judicial authorities are still refusing to allow him to go out on […]

‘If you want people to stop converting, stop oppressing them’

‘If you want people to stop converting, stop oppressing them’

The best way to halt the mass conversions of Iranian Muslims to Christianity is to stop oppressing them, says a […]

EIKO confiscates church property in Karaj

EIKO confiscates church property in Karaj

A church retreat centre in Karaj has been told that it will be confiscated tomorrow by the Executive Headquarters of […]

Christian prisoner denied treatment and in danger of losing all his teeth

Christian prisoner denied treatment and in danger of losing all his teeth

Iranian Christian prisoner Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh needs immediate dental treatment, but officials in Tehran’s Evin Prison are refusing to allow […]

Christian convert Ali Amini arrested in Tabriz

Christian convert Ali Amini arrested in Tabriz

A Christian convert arrested ahead of Christmas in Tabriz, northwest Iran, is still in the city’s central prison, according to […]

Iranian Christians’ appeal hearing postponed

Iranian Christians’ appeal hearing postponed

Yesterday’s appeal hearing for Iranian-Assyrian pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz and Christian converts Amin Afshar-Naderi, Hadi Asgari and Kavian Fallah-Mohammadi was postponed […]

Christians deserve ‘fair and transparent final hearing’ – UN rights experts

Christians deserve ‘fair and transparent final hearing’ – UN rights experts

Four UN human rights experts have called on Iran to ensure three Christians facing between 10 and 15 years in […]

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh taken to Evin Prison to begin 10-year sentence

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh taken to Evin Prison to begin 10-year sentence

Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh was today transferred to Evin Prison to begin his 10-year jail sentence for “acting against national security […]